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    Hire Azure
    DevOps Engineers

Turn your workflow into an efficiently synchronized process between your Dev and Ops teams. Our high-performing Azure DevOps consultants have extensive domain expertise and value client privacy and transparency.

EXB Soft provides a set of Azure DevOps services that helps to solve business challenges. Our certified engineers have the technological competence for implementing Azure DevOps in projects.

Azure DevOps Kubernetes Services

Hire DevOps engineer to manage your containerized environment effectively, enabling teams to deploy and manage containerized applications easier.

Azure Continuous Integration

Our Azure DevOps team of engineers develops a strategy for smooth integration of your codes present on different shared repositories, and provides tools for building servers or cloud.

Azure DevOps Migration Services

Our Azure DevOps team handles all aspects of your migration, whether it's from your on-premises Team Foundation Server to the online Azure DevOps server or from a legacy Visual Studio Team Services.

Azure DevOps Implementation

We will incorporate all recommended changes in Azure practices and successfully implement a well-tested plan with a turnaround time, a guarantee of Azure DevOps security.

Azure Continuous Delivery

Our Azure DevOps engineers help you automate and deliver the developed product for quality assurance and stage, testing the build, and packaging an error-free product.

Azure DevOps Training

EXB Soft will train your skilled workforce in Azure DevOps. We ensure that the Azure DevOps practices and policies implemented in your company run smoothly.

You share with us the requirements

Talk to a technical manager about the specifications and objectives you have for your project or product.

We select the perfect candidates

You will be presented with a hand-selected and thoroughly vetted developer in a matter of days.

We start a smooth cooperation

The foundation of effective collaboration is mutual respect and trust. Only if you are satisfied do you pay.

Manage costs for Azure

Uncover strategies to foresee and prepare for unexpected charges, and learn to monitor and document your financial outlay confidently to avoid going over budget.

Deploy azure app services

Discover the process of launching your web applications on Azure through Azure App Service. Utilize well-known tools for smooth development.

Title Experience Availability

Azure is a collection of cloud services that can help you meet business challenges. You can build, manage, and deploy applications across a large network with the right tools and frameworks. Azure DevOps is a continuous delivery platform, orchestrator, and cloud provider from Microsoft that offers an end-to-end DevOps toolchain for developing and deploying software. It supports a wide range of languages across multiple platforms and can be deployed on any cloud.

Azure DevOps is a culture and set of protocols that bring developers, project managers, and contributors together to collaborate on software development. Azure DevOps developers can plan work, collaborate on code development, create and deploy applications to customers quickly. Azure DevOps fosters a collaborative culture and set of processes that bring together software developers, project managers, and contributors.

DevOps, which stands for Development and Operations, is one of the most rapidly growing tech and engineering fields today. Professionals with DevOps training are in high demand, making it critical to hire and retain the right people. Hiring Azure DevOps engineers is one way to ensure that the Azure solutions provided are in the best interests of your company. Set and meet high standards in solution delivery, communication, and project management.

DevOps involves the operations team in order to achieve continuous integration and delivery. While Agile focuses on increasing the efficiency of developers and development cycles. DevOps is the practice of bringing together development and operations teams, whereas Agile is an iterative approach that emphasizes collaboration, customer feedback, and small, frequent releases. DevOps emphasizes continuous testing and delivery, whereas Agile emphasizes constant change.

AWS DevOps is a collection of developer tools that enable users to build a continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline from source to deployment. In contrast, Azure DevOps is a Microsoft platform that allows us to implement a DevOps lifecycle in our organizations. DevOps is an acronym for software development and information technology operations. It allows organizations to improve and deliver products at a faster rate than traditional software development models.

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We’d love to know more about your business and how we can help. Let’s connect!

  • United States, +1 (415) 799-11-13
  • Belgium, +32 (466) 90-10-63
  • Sweden, +46 (812) 11-14-80
  • Ukraine, +38 (066) 710-79-76