What Is Cloud Architect?

Cloud Architect

Cloud Architects are IT specialists responsible for constructing and implementing an organization's cloud computing strategies. Their roles include overseeing cloud operations, designing and transitioning applications, establishing action plans, and assessing computing requirements. Positioned uniquely in the IT domain, Cloud Architects combine leadership qualities akin to those of managerial roles with the technical expertise expected of an engineer.

Cloud Architect Responsibilities

Here are the principal duties of Cloud Architects:

  • Developing roadmaps: They must continually develop and update roadmaps for managing public, private, or hybrid clouds, considering factors like capacity, efficiency, and security.
  • Identifying issues: This involves breaking down complex issues within the cloud infrastructure, which may include creating diagrams, domain models, reference architectures, and other technical documentation.
  • Crafting solutions: After pinpointing an issue, Cloud Architects work alongside programmers and engineers to devise potential fixes. They select the most suitable solution and supervise its implementation to resolve or mitigate the issue.
  • Team leadership: Beyond assessing cloud performance, Cloud Architects lead and manage cross-functional tech teams, merging their technical know-how with strong leadership and interpersonal skills to achieve team objectives effectively and collaboratively.

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  • United States, +1 (415) 799-11-13
  • Belgium, +32 (466) 90-10-63
  • Sweden, +46 (812) 11-14-80
  • Ukraine, +38 (066) 710-79-76