What is a Turnkey Project?

Turnkey Project

A turnkey project is a comprehensive service where a contractor undertakes all aspects of a project for the project owner, from initial design to construction, under one agreement. This approach streamlines the entire process, allowing the project owner to avoid the complexities and responsibilities typically associated with the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) method.

Turnkey projects integrate design, financing, procurement, subcontracting, and construction phases, providing a unified solution with a single entity responsible for the outcome. This method is adaptable across various sectors, including energy, logistics, and chemicals, offering a versatile option for numerous capital projects.

However, it's critical to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages before committing to a turnkey contract.

Advantages of Turnkey Projects

Turnkey projects offer several benefits to both the developing firm and the end user. The key advantages include:

  • Cost efficiency: Businesses engage firms prepared to deliver projects at a pre-agreed price.
  • Time efficiency: Companies save valuable time and resources, allowing them to focus on their core operations.
  • Simplicity: The primary entity is relieved from dealing with legal and technical issues, making project development smoother, which is particularly beneficial in challenging environments.
  • Expertise: For businesses outside of their area of specialization, turnkey projects provide access to specialized knowledge and skills in the required field.

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  • United States, +1 (415) 799-11-13
  • Belgium, +32 (466) 90-10-63
  • Sweden, +46 (812) 11-14-80
  • Ukraine, +38 (066) 710-79-76