What Is Team Extension Model?

Team Extension Model

Team extension is a strategy for integrating highly skilled technology professionals into an existing in-house development team to enhance the value of specific projects. This approach leverages external expertise in the extended team model to bolster the internal staff, particularly when there's a shortage of certain software development skills needed for complex tasks.

Rather than working in isolation, outstaffed team members are seamlessly woven into the internal team, sharing equal responsibility for the success of the product. This model facilitates effective control over the developers through well-established communication channels.

Advantages of Team extension

  • Global Talent Accessibility: Team extension allows for the selection of top-tier experts globally, enhancing your company’s competitive edge.
  • Cost Efficiency: Employing external software engineers can reduce costs associated with employee salaries, retirement benefits, and insurance, while maintaining software quality.
  • Rapid Staff Scaling: The model offers swift and efficient recruitment of specialized talent tailored to your project’s evolving needs.
  • Complete Project Control: Team extension grants you full oversight of the development process, including budget, quality, and timelines.
  • Quality Assurance: Team extension partner assumes full responsibility for service quality, ensuring your project meets desired standards.
  • Objective Insights and Advice: External professionals can provide unbiased opinions, suggest improvements, and identify errors potentially overlooked due to internal biases.

When to Opt for Team Extension?

Team extension is ideal for enhancing your internal software engineering team with new talent. It’s particularly beneficial when:

  • Your team lacks specific development skills or expertise.
  • Local developer rates are prohibitively high.
  • Your internal team is preoccupied with crucial tasks, and you need external experts for unique project challenges.
  • Your project’s complexity requires additional developers to accelerate progress.
  • Your team size is insufficient to meet project deadlines.
  • There’s a need to hire top professionals within a specific budget and timeframe.

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  • United States, +1 (415) 799-11-13
  • Belgium, +32 (466) 90-10-63
  • Sweden, +46 (812) 11-14-80
  • Ukraine, +38 (066) 710-79-76