What Is Front-End Developer?

Front-End Developer

Front end developer is a specialist who focuses on the visitor-facing aspects of a website, contrasting with back end developer, who handles the 'behind the scenes' work. A front end developer ensures that users can seamlessly interact with a website, combining design, technology, and programming.

Responsibilities and Tasks of a Front End Developer

The primary responsibility of a front end developer is to create an engaging and functional user interface. This involves coding in languages like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, as well as debugging and optimizing the user experience. Daily tasks often overlap, requiring a blend of technical skills and creativity:

  • Optimizing user experience and interface.
  • Developing with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • Implementing responsive design for mobile websites.
  • Creating browser-compatible tools and applications.
  • Following SEO best practices.
  • Fixing bugs and conducting usability tests.

Programming Languages Used by a Front End Developer

Essential languages

  • HTML: Structuring the website’s content.
  • CSS: Styling the website.
  • JavaScript: Adding interactivity and advanced features.

Libraries and frameworks

Front end developers also utilize libraries like AngularJS, jQuery, and React, and design frameworks such as Foundation and Bootstrap. CSS extensions like SASS enhance the functionality and modularity of their code.

Additional languages

While less common, languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP may also be used, particularly for tasks that involve connecting to a website’s back end.

Development Tools

  • Graphic design tools: Tools like Sketch, Photoshop, Figma, or Illustrator help in prototyping the website’s design before coding.
  • Code editing tools: Code editors vary in complexity, ranging from lightweight editors like Notepad to more advanced ones like Visual Studio or Eclipse.

Advanced Skills in Front End Development

  • Using CSS Preprocessors: Tools like LESS and SASS to enhance CSS functionality.
  • APIs and RESTful Services: Engaging with APIs and utilizing REST architecture for network communications.
  • Responsive and Mobile Design: Creating websites that adapt to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Browser Compatibility: Ensuring that web development is functional across various browsers.

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  • United States, +1 (415) 799-11-13
  • Belgium, +32 (466) 90-10-63
  • Sweden, +46 (812) 11-14-80
  • Ukraine, +38 (066) 710-79-76